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Feb 18, 2017

Josh Rossi was just named as one of the top Dad’s in People magazine and his photography work is going viral worldwide. He’s the Dad and creative genius behind the little girl Wonder Woman and the most recent Beauty and the Beast hit. He shares what work he did to go viral and how he’s using it to grow his business.

Show Notes:

00:05 Summary highlights of our interview

01:27 Josh’s background

03:30 Why Josh’s photography work is going viral worldwide

05:05 Planning it to go viral

06:29 In a multi-million share viral campaign right now

07:27 You can calculate if it’s going to go viral from 3 pushes 1. Influencer 2. Media 3. Paid Marketing

09:11 The director of the Wonder Woman movie tweeted about it to create the tipping point

09:37 How do you avoid sabotaging a viral campaign

12:26 If you have a success too early you don’t learn the hard work

13:48 The normal things he does to grow his business

14:23 If you build with quality it will benefit you in the future

14:29 Creating his online influencer group

17:27 Building his local influencer group

19:05 Going viral isn’t sexy

19:58 Helping Devin Graham opened commercial opportunities for him

20:33 Provide value to others unexpectedly - the law of reciprocity

21:12 What he’s doing in the future

22:38 Say thanks to Josh and follow him on Instagram



Josh’s film school


Instagram -

People Magazine about Wonder Woman photo shoot

Inside Edition about Beauty and the Beast photo shoot